Tuesday 23 December 2008

We would like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas & Happy new Year

Thursday 11 December 2008

Peace & Quiet

All is in peace & tranquility here @Katyenka for the moment we have the one baby left with us Imir who is very vocal with us & very loving, he comes up to bd with us now & we have been woken up with a fright so many times as he decides to sit on you w ith his face right up to your face so when you open your eyes you just see his eyes, this of course makes you jump when you are sleepy. He is very pushy & demands we stroke him at least 4-5 times in the night by purring loudly by our ears so we can hear him. If I leave the room for too long he cries for me & when I come back in he talks untill I pick him up & cuddle him then its nothing but purrs.
So for the moment we are enjoying the quiet & lookforwad to febuary - march time when we should soon be hearing the pitter patter of tiny feet again

Friday 5 December 2008

Confirmed mating to go ahead

We are very excited to confirm a very special mating that is to go ahead in the next couple of months we are very happy to announce the proud parents to be :
Taurus Oblachko & Wch Otello Onix Gloria
I am sure they will produce some wounderful kitties we keep our fingers crossed that all goes to plan

Thursday 4 December 2008


We wanted to show off a picture of our precious little Imirwhen he was awarded his Ex1 cert & rosette we just adore this guy who is growing & growing too big for his paws sometimes. We look forward to more shows with him in 2009 where we hope to get a champion white boy in the UK .............

Tuesday 2 December 2008


We wanted to introduce to you this guy we are very pleased to be introducing him @ Katyenka. He will be a special introduction in our breeding programme, so with great pleasure here he is

Monday 1 December 2008

FIFE Siberin special show

Imir attended his first show this weekend & we were really pleased with his results & the comments from the judge. As he was only just 14 weeks old he was just old enough to attend the show, he recieved his Ex 1 from judge Charles Spijker (Netherlands)
Type : well developed body for age muscle & boning
head : promising shape exc profile nice forhead
eyes : exc shape & expression & nice clear green
Ears : exc size well set
Coat : baby coat clean sparkling white & well presented
Tail : maybe slightly longer
Condition : exc condition & temperment
General Impression : will be a big size guy

Sunday 23 November 2008

Rembo Lines

We are so excited about two special kitties we have reserved to come to the UK middle of 2009 ..............we can hardly believe we havebeen able to secure two kittens from Rembo lines. It has been our dream goal to have lines from Rembo he is so amazing in every way. We will post more about them aftr the new year when they are a little bigger but for now here are some pictures of the great Rembo himself .

We have exciting news for Oblachko & the cattery she is flying to Hungary to have a special mating with Otello i am very happy with this mating they should have some very special kitties early 2009

The babies have left the nest

Well its been quiet around here the last week all the babies except Imir have left us for thier new homes........it was strange at first but you slowly get used to not having to run around after them all day long

Tuesday 11 November 2008


We had some very bad news yesterday evening my sister called to let us know one of my first bred babies who has just turnes 3 years old had a horrible accident & passed away. Ivano was a vry mischevious kitty & i guess the old cleche "curiosity killed the cat" became a reality. Ivano decided it would be fun to chew through an electric wire after he caused a riot at playtime the wire fell down & Ivano decided to chew it when my sister came home it was too late. We will miss this cheeky chap who loved nothing more to be a naughty kitty, playful, loving & a purr machine
R.I.P my baby boy as you are sorely missed but forever in our hearts ..........

Thursday 23 October 2008

After the move

Well we all survived the move gained 2 more cats Foxy & Cuba their pet names. I sold them to someone a year ago as all my cats go with contracts she breeched hers & they were not fed properly & all their fur was matted up so i brought them home they have put on plenty of weight on theese pictures but they have no coat because i had to shave them down as the matts were so bad we could not comb them out. I may have found my silver male & he will be here in time for christmas if all goes well i love his pedigree so i am keeping my fingers crossed ...........

Friday 10 October 2008

new pictures

I felt it time i should post some new pictures one boy in particular is showing much promise & such a shame he is sold as pet only as it will be a shame to the breeding & showing future for siberians as he would be an amazing atribute to both....................

Tuesday 7 October 2008


I am getting very excited regarding the arrival of our new Oblachko, we are just waiting to hear from James Cargo for the paperwork then she will be free to enter the country. This is great news & much needed news in our cattery after all the bad news lately.

Sunday 5 October 2008

Goodbye Princess Helina

Tonight our hearts lay heavy again for our princess Helina i noticed this morning she was not taking her bottle like normal and again this afternoon. She woke up in pain from a sleep & i could hear a noise when she breathed this usually tells me their is either fluid in the lungs or trouble with the breathing. So we had to make that trip to the vets & say goodbye .......................


I am always anaylizing things so today i am posting my thoughts & reasons...................looking around the world we have so many different looks in the Siberian after a while you can even begin to tell where the siberian came from. What i question more then anything now is why do our Siberians look the way they look now when the very early pictures look nothing like that?

I feel this is a very important qustion that needs to be answered.

I understand that (breeders) like different looks colours etc but should they really all look so different?

What are we as breeders trying to achieve with the breed ?

Where are we taking the breed in how we think it should look ?

So to do this you have to start at the beginning .......

The first three sibs into the USA with no outside world interaction

When i look at this picture now i find it very difficult to say they were Sibs i would of said the middle on a NFC the one on the right a possible sib but the one on the left the eyes look to round for me.
Obviously we have to take into account how old they were on this picture? this is important as we all know sibs change a little bit as the develop, but this is a huge difference to what some of us are achieving today.
I want to ponder on this some more because if we are supposed to breeding to preserve this breed then changing it is not acceptable.

how they grow?

Thursday 2 October 2008

Today Helina has settled a little she has still gained weight is eating drinking & playing, all on her own but so be it. I dont know how much more time i have with her so every day is precious to me & i thank heavens above for the extra day.

My Princess Helina

It is 1 am & i am getting very worried about my princess Helina her breathing tonight has been a little bit more laboured & she is not as happy as usual. She was sleeping on the sofa with me & she cried out for no reason i jumped up & moved her she climbed down & just went in a corner to sleep. She has eaten once moved about but since 9pm this evening been very lathargic & sleeping wit heavy breathing. I think i know what comes next but i am trying to give her hope that its not going to happen we have more time together yet, but in my heart of heart i think it may be time. I have tried so hard over the last 7 weeks to not attach myself to her, but when you stare into the eyes of something so precious how can you not ?

I will not let her suffer at all which is why i am sat here still at this hour, but i can not sleep unless i know what the outcome is right now i am not 100 % as she is not giving me the signs but i know when its time she will.

I only hope i can report with good news on my next blog but i think in my heart & my head it may not be that way.

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Busy Busy Busy !!!!

I have not posted for a few days so i thought i would do a quick catch up, things are pretty much hectic around here at the moment with the move grower closer & kitten owners coming to view the kitties. Also while all this is going i am concentrating on building up my breeding cats i have a few plans underway you all know about Oblachko & my little man from (N) Cirkumpolare so i am on the hunt for a silver male & a brown female. I have plans undergoing for a golden male coming to join us as well i am keeping my fingers crossed this all goes ahead because his golden colour is so rich he looks like a golden tiger. This in all will complete our males & females & we can start to work on building strong healthy lines again............
That is all for now

Thursday 25 September 2008

Katyenka is yet to relocate in 3 weeks time for the last time ....................
We moved back to Yorkshire just a year ago with work committments but now our last trip to kent will happen in just 3 weeks all we can say is we will be glad when it is all over. Its hard work & very stressful for cats to have change, cats like things to be normal & the same they like familier things they are a creature of habit in a way so i keep my fingers crossed the ladies will settle very quickly to their new surroundings......

One boy left for sale

We are sad to say we only have one boy left to sell in this litter, the reason we are sad is because this special boy has no home yet but is ever so precious follows me around everywhere he does & cries for me & human companionship he will make such a special pet for someone........................

Saturday 20 September 2008

After the sad loss of Igus we are paying even more attention to my "Princess" Helina.............

We are left dunbstruck on how much she has come on brilliant she plays with her bigger litter mates & loves to play with her soft ball & especially loves her attention & cuddles.

We are of course worried how small she is but we can only watch her as she grows.

Katyenka Ivan

Katyenka Ivanno

Thursday 18 September 2008


It is of great regret that we have to say goodbye to our little Igus..........

Igus died tonight as his sternum was pressing against his heart so his breathing was comprimised.

I had to make the choice what to do but i wont have one of my babys suffering so there was only one choice as hard as it was our hearts are heavy on this sad evening

I know my baby Igus you are no longer in pain sleep well until we meet again

Wednesday 17 September 2008


We would also like to introduce our new female Oblachko she comes from Russia and we are very happy to welcome her to the UK.

Oblacko is a very lovely silver black female & we are very excited to be working with Taurus lines next year & introduce
her to the show bench & then start her breeding season.

Our new stud boy

We are very very excited and we have been finding it very hard to contain our excitement in introducing our new stud, so after much deliberation and a chat with Cathrine today we have decided to post all about him.

We are already looking into travel arrangements for when we go & collect our precious cargo but have been very sad to find out that there are no ferry crossings to

Norway from the UK anymore. I was looking forward to bringing him home by ferry he would of been more comfortable then flying so we are looking into the train, but it looks very difficult.

We will continue to find a btter way to go maybe by the time our little man has served his pets passport there will be a ferry again we can only hope.

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