Saturday 8 May 2010


Today I had to make the really hard descision of taking our little tiny boy to the vets to put to sleep, I fought hard with the idea for 2 days now but when I woke this morning & he had lost another 10ozs I knew his time had come. He was struggling to maintian body heat, he could not walk properly & he only weighed in at 120g when his siblings now weigh a good hefty 400-500 g
My heart lays very heavy this weekend to a kitten who tried so hard to fight for his life for the 3 weeks of life he had, it was time he sleeps with no more pain or hard work he rests in peace

It broke my heart I have been bottle feeding this boy from day 1 for nearly 4 weeks I have been breeding siberians for 5 years now & it still hurts so much when this happens, no matter how hard I try not to feel guilty I can not help it.


Madcatlady said...

when you try your best you have done the right thing, nature is cruel. Sharing these things helps other breeders know there are many problems with breeding any animals, and helps to understand it is not just happening to you and you are not doing something wrong

Midnightstarsiberians said...

So sorry - hope you feeling better soon xx RIP little one x

Chantaris said...

Tessa - Shirley has posted such a poignant comment - and everything she says is right -

I can imagine your feelings - and am sending you really big hugs -

Lesley xoxox

PS - a friend of mine told me that not all kittens must survive - you did everything for this little one - but it wasn't meant - He's at peace now - and that is the very last loving thing you can do for them. xx